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Artist Statement
The materials are stones and metal wire, dimensions are 6 x 1.5 x 4. The title is Fireplace. The memory that I chose for my memento was making s'mores with my mom when I was little. The stones are like the fireplace we had, I would always sit on the ledge and the stones would dig into my skin. I made two piles of stones, one representing me, and one is my mother. Both of the piles are encased in this metal wire pouch that is open at the top. The stones are not secured into the pouch, so they can be taken out and put back in. The wire is similar to the metal protector we had on our fireplace. I would always stare through the wire and at the flames, until my mom would tell me to back up. The wire pouch is made to cradle and protect the stones, and to be looked through. 
The three forms of research I have are about loop yarn, stone fireplaces, and how to make wire mesh. 


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